Mobile Technology which was a mystery two decades ago but now a days, it has become necessity to both the rural and the urban areas whereas trend of purchasing mobile phones competing each other by unique characteristics, Features.
When the mobile was first introduced, it used basically for SMS, Calls and games. but with the passage of time and introducing latest technology it has transformed into digital world and has made life and business much easier.
Marketers now have the ability to sell their products conveniently through mobiles technology. Majority of shop keepers explained that they earn lucrative outcome in reselling of phone devices as compared to sale new mobiles mentioning warranty claim for one year.
They further said that now a days buyers were crazy about few major configurations in new mobile phone including Camera (Rare-selfie),Random access memory (RAM), Read only memory (ROM), android, processor, voice quality and battery strength.
Shop keeper further said that they usually prefer to purchase used mobile instead of selling packed because it proves very profitable for them.

Fahad is an entrepreneur and a marketing enthusiast who loves to write on trending topics. He loves travelling & playing tennis is what he does in his leisure time. He tweets @fahad164.
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