A unique Salman Khan themed restaurant opens up in India. The fans of the mega Bollywood star Salman Khan recently opened up a ”Salman Khan themed restaurant named Bhaijaanz in Mumbai, India.
The 85 seater restaurant, located in Bandra, is the creative idea of five friends Rahul Kanal, Tabrez Shaikh, Sohail Siddique, Kursheed Khan and Zafar Sayed Yusuf who seem to be great fans of Salman Khan.
The Salman Khan themed restaurant restaurant serves Indian, Continental, and Chinese cuisines.
Some Unique Features of Bhaijaanz are :-
– Walls of the restaurant feature Salman Khan movies posters.
– His most memorable dialogues all across the restaurant for example : “Ek baar jo maine commitment kardi” and “Dosti ka ek usool hain madam no sorry no thank you”.
– Paintings of the star.
– A huge painting of Salman as the Hulk is an eye catcher.
– The special comic book food menu with a breakfast section named ‘Andaz Apna Apna’.
– Beverages section are called ‘Ek Garam Chai Ki Pyaali Ho’.
The place surely looks like a must visit place and the owners are eager to see Salman Khan visiting their restaurant sometime .
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