FBR launches Pakistan Honor Card To Acknowledge Top Taxpayers

The Federal Government of Pakistan has unveiled a pioneering initiative, the ‘Pakistan Honor Card,’ for the tax year 2023. Designed to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of top taxpayers and exporters, this initiative aims to incentivize economic growth and inspire others to follow suit.

Launched in tandem with the Tax Excellence Award ceremony held on March 26, 2024, recipients of the prestigious ‘Pakistan Honour Card’ are selected from among those honored by the Prime Minister himself. These cards, valid for a year, offer exclusive privileges and benefits to the holders, serving as a token of appreciation for their significant role in bolstering the nation’s economy.

According to a notification issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), the implementation of the scheme commenced in March, with the distribution of cards spanning various sectors. Recognized categories include top exporters and taxpayers from sectors such as chemicals, food, leather, machinery, pharmaceuticals, sports goods, steel, metal, paper, plastic, and information technology.

In a move towards inclusivity and diversity, the initiative marks a significant milestone by extending eligibility to new exporters and women entrepreneurs. This reflects the government’s steadfast commitment to fostering a business environment that embraces and empowers individuals from all walks of life.

Moreover, the ‘Pakistan Honour Card’ initiative goes beyond large corporations and associations of persons (AOPs) to include individual taxpayers and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This broad spectrum of recipients ensures that the economic contributions of a diverse array of entities are duly recognized and celebrated.

By incentivizing excellence and rewarding dedication, the ‘Pakistan Honor Card’ initiative serves as a beacon of encouragement for individuals and entities alike, fostering a culture of innovation, diligence, and commitment to national development. As Pakistan marches forward on its journey towards economic prosperity, initiatives such as these play a pivotal role in nurturing a vibrant and dynamic business landscape, where every contribution, no matter how big or small, is valued and celebrated.

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