Hum TV drama series “Neem” has taken a poignant twist, as Zimmal compels her husband Shizal to marry her best friend. The cast delivers commendable performances, with Mawra Hocane giving her all to the show. In the last episode, we witnessed Zimmal grappling with remorse over her choice. However, in this latest installment, Zimmal’s tolerance for the situation reaches its breaking point, leading her to make the heartfelt decision to return to Kashmir.
Watch Neem Episode 16 here:-
Neem Episode 16
Neem Episode 17 Promo
In this Episode
Zimmal is diligently working on her passion project, yet her thoughts wander elsewhere. Concentrating on her work has become a challenge, and she confides in her mentor about her overwhelming lack of positivity. She reveals to her mentor that her decision was primarily influenced by her husband’s coercion. Her husband’s persistent taunting about her vulnerabilities and his unwarranted blame have left her feeling compelled to seek solace through this course of action.
In this drama, the interactions between Shizal’s brother and sister-in-law provide a sense of comedic relief. Shizal’s sister-in-law constantly engages in various new endeavors, with her latest venture being an attempt to become a motivational speaker. What’s particularly intriguing is her desire to critique Pakistani dramas on her YouTube channel. On the other hand, Ashaad remains steadfast in his determination to pursue his legal case, but he adamantly refuses to provide any financial support to his wife in their paper-married relationship.
Jameel, once a trusted ally of Karamat Khan, has now become his formidable adversary, harboring a desire to destroy him completely. Collaborating with his brother, Jameel informs Amjad Salawa that Karamat Khan is the one responsible for the attack on him. Amjad Salawa is consumed by fear, particularly concerning the fate of his daughter, as Karamat Khan has become aware of their romantic involvement. Karamat Khan made a desperate attempt to eliminate Amjad Salawa through poison, but before he could carry out his plan, the police apprehended him and took him into custody.
In this drama, the interactions between Shizal’s brother and sister-in-law provide a sense of humor. Shizal’s sister-in-law constantly engages in various new pursuits, with her latest endeavor involving attempts to become a motivational speaker and even reviewing Pakistani dramas on her YouTube channel. Meanwhile, Ashaad remains steadfast in his determination to pursue his legal case, adamant about not providing any financial support to his wife in their paper-married relationship.
Zimmal’s mentor has advised her to temporarily return to her house in Kashmir. However, one may question whether Zimmal is making the right decision by avoiding the situation. She was the one who pushed her husband into marrying her friend, and now she struggles with witnessing someone else in her place. Zimmal confides in her entire family about her plans to go to Kashmir for several months. While Shizal may have wronged her, it’s worth considering what her friend’s fault is in all of this, and why Zimmal is making her feel guilty. Zimmal should find it within herself to come to terms with this reality, as she orchestrated it herself.
Mawra Hussain
Syed Jibran
Arslan Naseer
Ameer Gillani
Maryam Nafees
Shamyl Khan
Manzar Sehbai
Hani Taha
Adeel Khan
Ismat Zaidi
Alamdar Khan
Areeba Tirmizi
Hassan Shah
Rahil Siddiqui
Tahira Shahid
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