“Jhok Sarkar,” a Hum TV drama series, stands out as one of the enduring favorites, with Farhan Saeed impressively embodying the role of ASP Arsalan. The ensemble cast delivers exceptional performances, with special mention to the remarkable portrayals by Asif Raza Mir. In the preceding episode, ASP Arsalan displayed remarkable courage by leading a daring raid on Peeral’s Haveli. In this latest installment, ASP Arsalan skillfully evades Meeral’s pursuit and continues to thrive in the enigmatic world of Jhok Siyaal.
Watch Jhok Sarkar Episode 16 here:-
Jhok Sarkar Episode 16
Jhok Sarkar Episode 17 Promo
In this episode
Noori is pregnant, and Peeral remains unaware of this development. The courageous maid, who has previously narrowly escaped Peeral’s anger, daringly confides in Sardari Begum and Zulekha about this news. Sardari Begum provides her with medicine to administer diluted milk to Noori, which could potentially lead to the loss of her child.
Meeral seethes with anger upon witnessing ASP Arsalaan’s audacity in raiding their Haveli and demanding the release of their ally, Mukhtar. He remains steadfast in his determination to take action against ASP Arsalaan. However, Peeral intervenes just in time, recognizing that he must uphold the law due to the presence of important guests at the Haveli. Before his guests, including a prominent home minister, Peeral pretends to respect the law and agrees to release Mukhtar to ASP Arsalaan, despite Meeral’s objections.
ASP Arsalaan expresses his gratitude to the home minister, a promising political figure, and wishes him success in the upcoming election. Interestingly, the home minister is the ex-flame’s husband and he, too, is impressed by ASP Arsalaan’s bravery. Sassi is overjoyed upon learning of ASP Arsalaan’s raid on Peeral’s Haveli, and the news quickly becomes the talk of the town.
Will Noori’s child be lost, or will she manage to secure a new heir for the Haveli? Stay tuned to find out more.
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