The Hum TV drama series “Jhok Sarkar” has reached its fifteenth episode, delivering a captivating storyline highlighted by Farhan Saeed’s exceptional performance. Hiba Bukhari and especially Mamamia have left a lasting impression with their remarkable acting skills in this production. In the preceding episode, viewers witnessed ASP Arsalan’s unwavering determination to resolve the Shaukat case. In the latest episode, ASP Arsalan takes a bold and decisive action by conducting a raid on Peeral’s mansion.
Watch complete episode 15 of Jhok Sarkar here:-
Jhok Sarkar Episode 15
Jhok Sarkar Episode 16 Promo
In This Episode of Jhok Sarkar
ASP Arsalan’s mysterious conduct within the confines of Shorkot Police Station is beginning to vex Karamdad, fueling his curiosity about ASP Arsalan’s activities. He approaches one of his subordinates, seeking assistance in unraveling the enigma surrounding ASP Arsalan’s actions in Shorkot Police Station. Little does he know that ASP Arsalan is engaged in a covert mission to solve the Shaukat case, collaborating closely with Shaukat’s friend, Iqbal. Eventually, Karamdad discovers ASP Sahab’s pursuit of the Shaukat case and shares this revelation with Meeral.
Meeral has descended into madness, resorting to the abduction and murder of Iqbal in a manner eerily reminiscent of Shaukat’s demise. In a bid to resolve this gruesome situation, the police have enlisted the expertise of a Koji, a representation of a fading cultural phenomenon often associated with desi detectives.
The Koji has diligently conducted his investigations, employing his skills and calculations to piece together the puzzle. He has also stumbled upon a crucial clue—an earring belonging to one of Meeral’s henchmen, who sustained an injury to his ear during the failed abduction of Iqbal.
Meanwhile, ASP Arsalan’s former flame and her husband have paid a visit to Jhok Siyaal as guests of Peeral. Although her husband’s occupation remains somewhat ambiguous, it appears he is a politician keen on garnering votes and support within Jhok Siyaal. Peeral is hosting these guests when suddenly ASP Arsalan and his entire police force storm Peeral’s mansion, disrupting the ongoing speech. During this unexpected encounter, ASP Arsalan and his former flame share a meaningful gaze.
ASP Arsalan declares his purpose—to arrest Meeral’s right-hand man responsible for Iqbal’s abduction. Meeral, consumed by his fury, has reached the limits of his patience. Despite Meeral’s seething anger, ASP Arsalan remains resolute and proceeds directly to confront Meeral’s accomplice. There, he spots the missing earring, a crucial piece of evidence, and observes the injured ear. With this discovery, he presents the incriminating evidence, ready to make the arrest.
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