Preparedness Measures and Advisory for Tourists as Snowfall Threatens Murree and Galiyat

The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has issued a directive for all concerned departments to maintain a high level of alertness in Murree, Galiyat, and the surrounding areas. With the possibility of snowfall looming, the district administration of Murree has also activated high-alert status across all departments. In response, an advisory has been issued for tourists to take necessary precautions in anticipation of stormy rain and snowfall in the region.

Weather Forecast:

According to a spokesperson from the PDMA, the likelihood of snowfall on Sunday is estimated to be around 70 percent, with a 75 percent chance of rain and snow on Monday as well. The weather conditions are expected to remain uncertain from February 17 to 22, necessitating heightened awareness and preparedness.

Tourist Advisory:

Tourists planning to visit Murree are strongly advised to adopt precautionary measures and plan their itineraries with the unpredictable weather conditions in mind. The Director General (DG) of PDMA, Imran Qureshi, has directed the Murree administration to stay on high alert and ensure readiness to respond to any potential emergencies.

Precautionary Measures:

The PDMA spokesperson emphasized the importance of thorough vehicle checks before embarking on the journey, particularly in snowy conditions. Tourists are urged to carry essential items suitable for snowfall and to stay informed about the weather updates. In case of emergencies, the PDMA helpline (1129) can be contacted, along with Murree district administration control room numbers (051-9269015, 051-9269016, and 051-9269018).

Emergency Contacts:

For immediate assistance, tourists can also utilize the WhatsApp number (0336-9804229) provided by the PDMA in case of emergencies. Additionally, the Punjab emergency service, Rescue-1122, Tourism Helpline-1421, and PDMA Helpline-1129 are available for tourists requiring help or information.

Infrastructure and Support:

The Murree district administration has established 13 tourist facilitation centers at various locations to assist and guide visitors. It is crucial for tourists to follow traffic rules, especially in snowy areas, and to utilize tire chains for safer navigation on the roads.

As Murree and Galiyat brace for potential snowfall and adverse weather conditions, the collaborative efforts of the PDMA, district administration, and emergency services are geared towards ensuring the safety and well-being of tourists. By adhering to the advisory and taking necessary precautions, visitors can enjoy their time in the picturesque region while minimizing risks associated with the changing weather.

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