Top 6 Beaches in Pakistan

1. French Beach –Karachi

The beach is located between Hawkes Bay and Paradise point, and is favoured by Karachi’s elite. It is ideal for snorkeling, scuba diving and surfing, especially during the monsoon season.

2. Astola Beach –Balochistan

Astola is Pakistan’s largest offshore island, located 5 hours away from Pasni. It is famous for its breath-taking beach, and is a popular camping, fishing and scuba-diving site for tourists.

3. Ormara Beach –Balochistan

Ormara is an old town, located on the coast of Makran. The port is also mentioned in the Periplus of the Erythraen Sea as Orea.

4. West Bay Beach – Balochistan

The West Bay Beach lies on the Makran coast, and is renowned for its diverse marine life and exquisite scenery.

5. Cape Mount –Karachi

Cape Mount is located near the Hub River and is locally known as Ras Muari. During the British regime, a lighthouse was built on the beach for navigation purposes.

6. Sandspit Beach – Karachi

Sandspitis the perfect beach to relax and have sunbath at. The waters are relatively calm, so tourists can safely explore the sea with the unique marine life. It is also famous for its turtle conservation, opened by WWF to protect Green and Olive Ridley turtles.

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