Lollywood actress Resham is all set to comeback to the cinema screen in an upcoming Pakistani movie titled Swaarangi. Swaarangi is an entwined story about life, fate, sacrifice and survival. The film is being produced by Mazhar Abbas, directed by Phida Hussain and stars Resham, Ayub Khosa, Naveed Akbar, Waseem Manzoor, Hamza Mushtaq, Shahzaib Johar in important roles.
The story of Swaarangi revolves around Salma (Resham) who is not happy with her husband Jamal (Naveed Akbar) due to his drug addiction. Zaryaab (Waseem Manzoor) tries to keep Jamal in this habbit because he sets some goals for himself. Zaryaab cannot acheive his goals without the help of Saieen (Ayub Khosa).
As per a social media update on the film page, Swaarangi is all set to release on 28 August, 2015.
Have a look at the song So Ja by Sami Khan from Swaarangi :-
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