National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) has introduced a new WhatsApp channel to keep Pakistani citizens, both within the country and abroad, well-informed. The channel, accessible through, aims to cater to the queries of the general public, offering accurate real-time information on matters like birth certificates, CNIC, and other essential documents.
In a press release, NADRA highlighted the significance of this initiative, emphasizing its commitment to providing up-to-date and precise details to citizens. The utilization of real-time messaging capabilities allows NADRA to efficiently communicate updates and guidance to the public.
The introduction of the WhatsApp channel is a proactive step by NADRA to combat the spread of misinformation. By establishing direct communication, it fosters trust between NADRA and the public, ensuring that citizens receive reliable information promptly.
The positive response is evident in the growing number of subscribers to the NADRA WhatsApp channel, indicating that citizens appreciate this innovative approach to information sharing. Beyond just efficiency, NADRA’s initiative promotes transparency and credibility, enhancing the overall relationship between the authority and the public.
Fahad is an entrepreneur and a marketing enthusiast who loves to write on trending topics. He loves travelling & playing tennis is what he does in his leisure time. He tweets @fahad164.
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