Mahesh Bhatt is all set to cast Humayun Saeed in his upcoming Indian Punjabi film titled ”Dushman”. Mr. Bhatt confirmed the same in a series of tweets in which he is seen keen to bring both the nations together thru Films. Mahesh Bhatt was also seen recently in Pakistan attending the premiere of Humayun Saeed’s recent blockbuster ”Jawani Phir Nahi Ani”.
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Here is what Mahesh Bhatt tweeted :-
I am honoured to PRESENT Vinay & Shagufta’s first Punjabi Film **HUMAYUN & SHAAD which will bring the people of our two nations closer !
Dushman is a path breaking tale of love & friendship of an Indian & a Pakistani. This brave tale will be shot in India, Pakistan & UK.
Prod Vinay Bhardwaj & my hit writer/director Shagufta have cast SHAAD & Humayun in their Punjabi film Dushman.
All in all Mahesh Bhatt is always a step ahead in promoting peace and harmony between the two nations and we wish him all the best in his efforts.
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