Huma Qazi , a perfect role model for young women who want to achieve their career goals and manage home

She is a school administrator .She is a mother.She is patient. Huma identifies herself as a caring and patient person and that is evident within the first few minutes of talking to her. She states that her journey has been smooth despite starting her career when she had two pre-teen daughters and an ailing mother-in-law. Only a person with unlimited patience can make such a statement.

She believes that emotional independence means not projecting your negativity on others. “If I am in a bad mood then it’s important that I deal with my emotions myself so I can give out positive vibes to people around me.” She continues by stating that financial independence is equally important for women irrespective of how much someone else is earning in the household. “It gives you pride and makes you aware of your self-worth.”

Her message to young women is that they need to be true to themselves and believe in their talent. “Start wherever you are, do what you can, and use what you have and soon you will rule the world.” However, she advises that one must not overthink about gender equality because both men and women face their own set of challenges. The key to balance and stability in a home is that a woman understands her role and the husband his responsibilities. “When a husband is supportive and the wife patient, there is harmony at home automatically.”

Everyone has weak moments in their lives. Huma shares her own when her mother in law was not well, she often would want to quit her job, finding herself torn between work and home. However, Huma dealt with the situation with serenity and managed to emerge as a victor.

To ensure that her age is merely a number, Huma practices yoga regularly. In addition to that she moisturizes her skin as a daily routine. She is a perfect role model for young women who find having a career and managing a home difficult. She embodies how with a bit of love and care everything is possible.

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