Zong 4G’s Initiative to Promote Women Empowerment in Pakistan

Zong 4G, one of the leading telecom operators in Pakistan, has joined hands with Pakistan Bait ul Maal (PBM) to create an opportunity that is truly empowering and inspiring for women in remote areas of Pakistan.

Together, Zong 4G and PBM launched an initiative to promote women’s empowerment and create employment opportunities for women who often have limited access to economic opportunities. As part of this initiative, more than 130 talented women from 14PBMWomen Empowerment Centers (WECs) spread across some of theremotest areas of Pakistan hand-stitched andembroideredcloth sleeves for Zong 4G’s 2023 Sustainability Reports.

This initiative is not only showcasing women’s artistic talent but also promoting Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage.These women, enrolled in the Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal’s women empowerment center, were given a chance to earn money and support their families while exhibiting their skills. Zong’s initiative not only promotes the work of these women, but also serves as a symbol of their commitment to making a positive impact in the community.

The embroidered sleeves created by these talented women showcase their skills and creativity and carry a special sentimental value. Zong 4G used these cloth sleeves for their Annual Sustainability Reports and it not only highlights the importance of empowering women in their community but also providesa platform for their work to be appreciated and recognized.

For the readers and recipients of the report, these sleeves represent a powerful message of hope, resilience, and progress. They serve as a reminder that small actions can have a big impact on people’s lives, and that by supporting women’s empowerment initiatives, we can help build stronger and more sustainable communities.

Zong’s officialspokesperson commented, “We are proud to partner with PBM to provide opportunities to talented and deserving women. Our company believes that every woman has the right to fulfill her potential and contribute to the society, and we are committed to breaking down the barriers that prevent women from doing so. This partnership is an important step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society.”

The partnership between Zong 4G and PBM is a step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society in Pakistan. By promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment, Zong 4G and PBM set a positive example and inspire others to do the same.

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