Synopsis of upcoming drama serial Joru Ka Ghulam

Having a whole pack of talented and potential cast, Joru Ka Ghulam is a powerful bundle of entertainment which has no closing stages. Starring the veteran and versatile Mehmood Aslam, graceful Gazala Butt, potentially capable; Kamran Jillani and Natasha Ali, the real life couple; Kanwar Arsalan Fatima Aafandi and the young and known talents; Asad Siddiquie, Sadia Ghaffar, Haddy Fordousi, Minal Khan, this drama offers everything you can imagine out of a pure family politics. Highlighting the story of a dominating father who is shown to control every dynamic of the household and also, ruthlessly, his sons. For such forceful and energetic story, an impending cast was required, which is creatively selected.






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