Pardes last episode: An emotional ending

ARY Digital drama serial Pardes last episode, a heart touching and relatable story for those Pakistanis who live and work abroad, away from their loved ones ended to an emotional last episode.

The Pardes last episode started had some intense emotions with Zubeda and Ehsan’s separation and ended with Aiman and Ibaad’s reunion.

Pardes was an impactful story which revolved around 3 perdesi people who have entirely different struggles Ibad, Ahsan & Salma.

Every character have given their best in Pardes. What happened with Asim and Noshi also gives us a lesson. Its true that its so difficult for a wife to live without his husband and for children to live without their father.

Audiences loved the social messages that the writer/director are giving through this serial. It is true that women have to live for themselves too. Kudos to whole team of Pardes for such an amazing story, best cast, direction & production.

“A Pardes fan relating the story mentioned: A very heart touching episode I can relate the time when my Husband came Here after our 8 months of marriage and I-had my daughter without him it was same like this but alhamdulilah moved over here when my daughter was 6 months old that time I can never forget even now after 14 years watched this episode with teary eyes.”

Drama serial Pardes Last Episode

Video Credits: ARY Digital

Our Verdict

Women from desi families are very strong-headed and can do anything for their families, their homes, and the people living in it. They are very sacrificing despite the fact that life isn’t very adjusting for them, but they find ways to adjust around it.

All in all, everything is meaningless without your life partner. A life with your family is better than a life with luxurious life.

We need more dramas like Pardes, which are reality based and yet impactful and giving lessons rather than those typical sass bahu and love triangle dramas. Bravo @ team Pardes.

Have you watched the last episode of Pardes? Share your feedback in the comments section below.

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